Wednesday, December 23, 2015

GOOD TASTE: Cranberry, Apple & Mandarin Orange Conserve

Cranberry Conserve by homework - carolynshomwork (7)Even though Thanksgiving is a distant memory, my annual Cranberry, Apple & Mandarin Orange Conserve is the perfect side for your holiday table. This super duper easy dish looks festive and pairs perfectly with just about anything.

Cranberry Conserve by homework - carolynshomwork (1)Homemade cranberries are a bazilllion times tastier than the canned version and until I started making this, I didn’t realize how easy it was to make. The best part is, you can make it well in advance and cross one dish off your list.

Cranberry Conserve by homework - carolynshomwork (5)Ready to make some? Start with a pound of fresh cranberries. Rinse them and make sure there aren’t any stray stems.

Cranberry Conserve by homework - carolynshomwork (3)Add the washed cranberries, 1 cup of sugar and 1 cup of water to a large pot. Cover and cook on high until the mixture boils.

Cranberry Conserve by homework - carolynshomwork (4)Add 1 diced apple and 2 small cans of mandarin oranges and one can of mandarin orange juice. Stir and turn off the stove. The heat from the berries will cook the apples.

Cranberry Conserve by homework - carolynshomwork (6)If your mixture is too runny, cook on low until the mixture thickens. The sky is the limit with this recipe. Add pears, raisins or even nuts to personalize this dish.

Cranberry Conserve by homework - carolynshomwork (8)
Don’t you just love those fuchsia colored apples?

Thanks so much for stopping by.

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