Monday, March 31, 2014

Friday, March 28, 2014

The Inspiration Board: creative party spotlight ~147~

Hello. Hello. Hello. I’m so happy it’s Friday, I had to say it three times. High fives everyone. We made it to the weekend. This week I was on the go with: work (the day job kind), major car repairs (boo), team mom duties and of course, crafty fun. Phew. How was your week? I hope it was filled with spring inspiration and sunshine. If you didn’t get a chance to pop in this week, here’s what I shared.

Enjoy these beautiful projects in the spotlight and I’ll see you back here on Monday.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Upcycling: Recycled & Repurposed Unique Planters for Spring

Round Up Spring GardenIt’s time everyone. Time to get the garden going. If you’re not quite to the point to head outside and start digging up the plant beds, you can start small with these fun and unique container ideas. The best part is they are all recycled or repurposed items. Oh yeah… it’s good to be green.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Inspiration Board: Creative Party [147]

Lemon Drop Necklace for kids via homework |
From my archives | Lemon Drop Necklace for Kids

Happy Tuesday and welcome to The Inspiration Board. Last week’s board was brimming with springy inspiration. It was such a breath of fresh air and so inspiring. It looks like it is full speed ahead to Easter projects, spring gardening and spring cleaning. I’m excited!

And I'm excited to get this party going. 

Monday, March 24, 2014

Friday, March 21, 2014

The Inspiration Board: creative party spotlight ~146~

As of yesterday, we officially entered spring. Are you as excited as I am? I really do love all the seasons and the inspiration that they bring but something about spring just is special. A big thank you to everyone who came by and shared your project this week. Just gazing at all the links put me in a springy mood. If you didn’t get a chance to swing by, here’s what I shared this week.

homework | carolynshomework.comWhite & Gold Painted Pot     |     Delightful Dots Round Up     |     Ranunculus

Enjoy the weekend friends. I’ll be working on projects this weekend and can’t wait to share some fun new things with you. In the meantime, enjoy the fantastic projects in the spotlight and I’ll see you next week.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

BLOOM: Springtime Ranunculus

Springtime Ranunculas via homework | carolynshomework.comOne of my favorite flowers are Ranunculus. The vibrant colors and crepe paper like petals are just so beautiful.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

TRENDING: Delightful Dots {Polka Dot Round Up}

Delightful Polka Dots Round Up via homework |
I don’t know about you but I have always had a passion for dots. Polka dots, confetti dots, Dalmatian dots, you name it and I love it. To me, polka dots are timeless and so fun to use when creating a craft project or adding some fun to your décor. I rounded up 15 Delightful Polka Dot Projects to inspire you.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The Inspiration Board: Creative Party [146]

Pillow 2[6]From my archives |  RUBBER STAMP & CRAFT PAINT PILLOW

Did you get pinched yesterday? I don’t go all out for St. Patrick’s Day so you’ll have to forgive my lack of green. Thankfully, I didn’t get pinched. Phew. So now that St. Patrick’s Day is over, we’re really full steam ahead to spring. What have you been up to? Are you decorating for spring? Planning or planting a spring garden? Sewing warm weather clothes? Whatever you’ve been creating, I can’t wait to see it.

Now it's time for The Inspiration Board creative party. Here are a few guidelines:

Monday, March 17, 2014

FRESH LOOK: White & Gold Painted Pot

White and Gold Painted Pot Makeover via homework | carolynshomework.comWhen you have a creative and craft blog, people give you all kinds of goodies because “you can do something with this”. I recently received a bunch of pots and they all have tons of potential.

Friday, March 14, 2014

The Inspiration Board: creative party spotlight ~145~

Hello warm weather! I’ve missed you so! Here in Southern California, it is spring. We’re enjoying beautiful warm days. I’m talking it’s almost time to break out the flip flops. Yippee! I hope if you’re still waiting for winter to melt away you don’t think I’m gloating. I’m just so excited for spring.

I loved seeing all the spring inspiration linked up this week. There was also loads of St. Patrick’s Day fun and oodles of yummy food. Thank you to everyone who stopped by this week. I’m so appreciative that you take the time to visit me here. If you didn’t have a chance to stop by, here is what I shared.

Happy Friday friends! I’ll see you on Monday. In the meantime, please enjoy the projects in the spotlight this week.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

CELEBRATIONS: One Dozen ways to make Easter Eggs

One Dozen Stunning Ways to make Easter Eggs via homework |

Every year I’m in awe of the beautiful and creative ways that people come up with to decorate Easter eggs. I’ve rounded up some of my favorites and none of these are difficult to create. I can’t wait to try out some of these techniques. They are all absolutely inspiring.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The Inspiration Board: creative party [145]

Welcome to the Inspiration Board Creative Party. I really, really can’t tell you how much I enjoy hosting this party week after week. It’s so fun meeting new bloggers and creative sources. If you’re new to the party, please leave me a comment or send me an email so we can officially meet. If you’re a regular linker, thank you so much for sharing your creativity here at homework. There are lots of link parties available and I’m grateful to be on your list.

So let’s get the creative party started. I can't wait to see what you're going to share.

Monday, March 10, 2014

EXTRA CREDIT: Spring into Cash Giveaway



Welcome to the Spring Into Cash Sweepstakes!

INKLING: Ephemera, Origami & Rice Paper {fusion}

Ephemera Cards via homework | carolynshomework.comIf you’re a scrapbooker or paper crafter, you probably know what ephemera is. They’re bits of paper typically used in paper crafting. The actual definition is: things that are important or useful for only a short time: items that were not meant to have lasting value:  paper items (as posters, broadsides, and tickets) that were originally meant to be discarded after use but have since become collectibles. I love these pretty little bits of book pages and other tidbits.

Friday, March 7, 2014

The Inspiration Board: creative party spotlight ~144~

We’re springing forward everyone. Well, not everyone – I don’t think everyone participates in the crazy change-your-clocks back and forth thing. For those that do, Daylight Savings time begins this weekend, which means longer daylight hours. Yay, more time for crafting or getting in that outdoor spray paint project before it gets dark.

I hope everyone is starting to see more spring-like weather. I know, I’ve been completely inspired and find myself drawn to dreamy pastel colors. In case you didn’t get a chance to stop by this week, here’s what I shared.

Plus, I have two giveaways currently open – click the links to enter:

Thank you to everyone who dropped by this week. I so appreciate all your comments and visits. A special thank you for those of you who shared your creativity on The Inspiration Board this week. The projects were amazing. Please enjoy the projects featured in the spotlight this week.

Thursday, March 6, 2014


Peach Inspiration via homeworkI know the mint and peach color craze is a few years old but I still love the color peach. And with spring on the horizon, I was feeling peachy. I’ve rounded up a beautiful collection of peach inspiration to bring a little springtime to your day.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

FRESH LOOK: Spring Birdcage Decor

Spring Birdcage via homework |

A while back, I participated in a Hometalk | Michaels event. You can read about it here. One of the projects we could create for the event was a decorated birdcage. I was disappointed because my store was all out of birdcages.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

EXTRA CREDIT: Giveaway for an Xbox or PS4

I have a super fun giveaway to offer to you! I know these gaming consoles are so popular with kids but they can be so pricey. Here’s a chance to win either an Xbox One or PS4.

I think the very first video game I ever played was Pong. Many of you are probably too young to even remember this addicting game. Games and the amazing graphics have come a long way since Pong.

Check out the information below and enter for your chance to win!

XBox or PS4 Giveaway via homework

The Inspiration Board: creative party [144]

Oh, hello March! Great to see you. Now that we’re officially out of February, we can all count the days until sunshine, spring blooms, soft colors and all the inspiration that comes with spring. I’m feeling inspired – how about you?

So let’s get the creative party started. I can't wait to see what you're going to share.

Monday, March 3, 2014

TRENDING: Marbling by Martha Stewart plus a giveaway

Martha Stewart Marbling via homework | carolynshomework.comHave you noticed marbling projects popping up here and there? I’ve noticed this trend lately and have been fascinated with the technique and the beautiful projects that I’ve seen. As always, Martha Stewart in on-trend or leading the trend with these gorgeous marbling projects featured in the March edition of Martha Stewart Living.