Monday, January 25, 2016

The Inspiration Board: Spotlight 242 & Pretty in Pink

Welcome back everyone. I hope you had a wonderful weekend. I spent all day Saturday at my son’s volleyball tournament. It’s fun but exhausting. You get up at the crack of dawn, drive far, cheer all day, and then drive home and collapse. That left Sunday for all things household. Boy, did this weekend fly by. I hope you had some time to relax and enjoy your weekend.

I want to thank all of you that shared your projects on The Inspiration Board last week. Another amazing turnout and I loved checking out all the creativty. In case you didn’t get a chance to stop by, here’s what I’ve sharing.

And now for the projects featured in the Spotlight this week.

Inspiration Board Spotlight
blue-and-yellow-nurseryI love this fresh and bright nursery by Two Twenty One

IMG_5198Lemon Blueberry Yogurt Muffins by Bloom Design Online. Yum!

GREEN-TEA-NEW-11-WMPastels and Macarons shares this Vanilla and Green Tea Oatmeal Face Scrub. Ahhh – sounds relaxing.

hot-chocolate-smoothieA rich looking Hot Chocolate Smoothie by Cupcakes and Kale Chips

DIY-twin-headboard-bench-with-storage-tutorial-H2OBungalowA great DIY Twin Headboard Bench project by H2O Bungalow

furry-feel-good-start-to-the-day-plus-a-little-turquoise-love_thumbShagalicious furry chair by Petticoat Junktion

apothecary-cabinet-ikea-hack-12I do believe this is my favorite Ikea Rast Hack ever. By What Rose Knows.

Cinnamon-Oatmeal-Custard-Bars-w-Rum-Raisin-SauceOh my – these sound good! Cinnamon Oatmeal Custard Bars with Rum Raisin Sauce by Liz Ventures

A stunning closet turned Butler’s Pantry by Design Enthusiasm.

7_Sadie_Seasongoods_Vintage_tennis_racket_handle_wooden_necklace_pendantsWho knew? These Wooden Pendants from Sadie Season Goods are slices of vintage tennis racket handles. So cool!

Pretty in Pink via honeworkClockwise from top left: Photography Tips by Shabby Fufu  :  Bloomin Heart Card by Paper Seedlings  :  Raspberry Chicken Arugula Salad by Woods of Bell Trees  :  No Bake Strawberry Cheesecake by Cincy Shopper

If you were in the spotlight, please feel free to grab a button.

Thank you again to everyone who linked a project and to everyone who came to visit. I loved looking at all the projects and visiting your sites.
Thanks so much for stopping by.



  1. Thank you so much for featuring my Vanilla & Green Tea Face Scrub this week. Honoured to be featured alone side some other amazing posts and bloggers! :)

  2. Thank you for featuring my strawberry cheesecake this week!

  3. Thank you so much for the feature of my apothecary cabinet Ikea hack! And saying it's your favorite Ikea Rast hack is REALLY a compliment to me so thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

  4. Good Morning Carolyn, Thank you for the feature. You are so sweet. Have a great week!

  5. Thanks for the inspiration and the great ideas, Carolyn! All posts are very interesting and make me wanna start crafting right now!

  6. Oh these ideas are lovely Carolyn :) Thank you for sharing!


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