Happy Friday everyone. I’m starting a new column on my blog called
Friday High Five. These are just snippets of what I’ve been up to, inspirational ideas or anything that we can “high five” over. Woot. Most of these will just be shot with my phone as I muddle through the week. Have a great weekend. I’ll see you back here next week. Enjoy the first edition of Friday: High Five.
By the way, this post contains affiliate links, which means I earn a commission if you make a purchase using the link.

I gathered these leaves on my recent trip to Washington. I’m sure my co-workers thought this Cali girl was crazy picking up leaves in the office parking lot. I put them in a baggie and packed them in my suitcase. They made it back in one piece and I was able to press them. Upcoming project with the leaves and this pretty grey felt.

Last weekend I bought and assembled a cheap microwave cart from
Target. I have a long narrow kitchen and even though it’s not ideal, putting the microwave in this unused space gave me tons more counter space and cupboard space. In the first picture my Sammy got tired and bored with the assembly. Oh and those darn giant wheels didn’t fit and I have to return them. I hate returning things.

I updated my kitchen chalkboard with a fall greeting. I won’t win any prizes for my lettering and leaf drawing for this one but it was a quick redo since my summer message seemed a little silly halfway through October.

I have a confession. I’m a crazy squirrel lady. I’ve been putting food out for the squirrels and one is so tame she’ll eat from my hand. She now has me trained and she appears at my office window (see scary photo on left) to let me know she’s hungry. The squirrel feeder is at the very back of the yard. It’s basically a large terracotta pot with the saucer on top.Their favorites are the black sunflower seeds but they also like grapes and that orange blob is cantaloupe seed. Yup, crazy squirrel lady.

These are the backs or is it the front of some business cards from the PR Agency I work with for my day job. I love the inspirational message.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Hi! I saw your post through the Sugar Bee Crafts linky party and I love your post! :) I love how you organized your microwave cart and I love your chalkboard art! I help host a link party every Friday; you should check it out and add your link! We'd love to have you! :) http://classyandcrafty.com/2015/10/23/the-beautifully-creative-inspired-link-party-8/