Happy Friday everyone. I haven’t posted a Friday High Five in awhile. I feel like I’ve been playing catch up since the holidays. But this week I have plenty to high five about. How about you? What are you high fiving about this week? Do tell….

I’ve been traveling for my day job quite a bit and snapped this picture descending into Seattle, Washington. Just breathtaking. The good news is, I won’t be traveling for a 2 or 3 months so I can get caught up on fun things like creating goodies for this blog.

I’m finally making progress on our bay window transformation and I can’t wait until all the new blinds are hung and I can reveal the final look.

I’m so excited about these hand lettered prints I received. These are from
Craft Street Design and I’m planning on mounting them on these burlap matte boards and hanging them on each side of the bay window. Thank you
Craft Street Design for the beautiful prints.

On my last trip to Washington, I had a wonderful social hour and dinner at Hotel Max. This is very trendy part of downtown Seattle. Check out the Amazon offices in the background.

Spring has arrived in Southern California. In my area, we did not experience the big El Nino rains we were expecting. I have to confess, I’ve been in tank tops and sandals all week. With the beautiful weather I’m starting to incorporate spring into my décor.
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend filled with love and creativity. See you on Monday.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
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