Monday, May 4, 2015

The Inspiration Board: Spotlight 204 & International Delights

Hello, hello friends. Welcome to another week here on homework. You may have noticed posts were lighter last week. Between my day job and family, I just couldn’t squeeze out enough time to create and share more with you. It was actually the first time in five years that I didn’t post daily – but I’m feeling okay about it.

We’ve been spending every spare minute moving our college son home from school. How do you squeeze a dorm room full of stuff into an already full house? It’s been challenging and we’ve been moving furniture around, organizing and purging. I’m starting to see the light at the end of the cluttered tunnel.

Blog Mediterranean TableHere’s what I shared last week – a Mediterranean Inspired Tablescape with discount store plates.

And now on to the projects featured this week.

DSC_1390 wmCrochet Jar by Over the Apple Tree

scaled-matcha-ice-cream-1Matcha Ice Cream by Kiku Corner

DIY-Bluebird-birhousesBluebird Houses by The DIY Dreamer

DSC_0025Lemonade Freezer Pie by Enchanted Homeschooling Mom

Yarn-Tapestry-Wall-Hanging-Macrame-Inspired-Wall-Hanging-Easy-DIY-House-Of-HipstersYarn Tapestry by House of Hipsters

IMG_8697aCherub Bird Feeder by Penny’s Vintage Home

value-of-a-moment-printable-scaledPrintable by Art and Parchment

P1490570A Foggy Day Photography by Your Charmed Life

plaster flowers1KPlaster of Paris Flowers by Artsy VaVa

My-Big-Living-Room-Reveal-RFBloggersLiving room Reveal by Cozy Country Living

THIS WEEK ON THE INSPIRATION PINBOARDInspiration Pinboard International Delights - homeworkGrilled Miso Tofu by Kiku Corner  |  Jerusalem Sunchoke Chips by My Life Cookbook  |  Tequila Citrus Shrimp by Home Made Interest  |  Israeli Couscous Salad by The Pin Junkie

If you were in the spotlight, please feel free to grab a button.

Thank you again to everyone who linked a project and to everyone who came to visit. I loved looking at all the projects and visiting your sites.
Thanks so much for stopping by.



  1. Thank you so much for featuring my plaster of Paris flowers. I hope you have a wonderful week!

  2. What a wonderful surprise to see my bird feeder included with the other great features this week...thank you! Have a fun week....hugs...

  3. Thank you so much for featuring my Living Room Reveal Carolyn! Any kind of moving can be tiring. I hope your son settled in nicely and that you can finally take a little break. I hope you have a wonderful week:)

  4. Thank you soooo much for featuring my yarn tapestry! You just made my day Carolyn! And that crochet jar! How cool is that?


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