Friday, January 7, 2011

Inkling: silhouette dress cards

Back in August, I made note cards that featured little black dresses. I cut out each dress using black cardstock and glued them onto a white note card. I called them the LBD (little black dress) note cards.

I decided it was time to update the collection. The new cards are seasonal skirts.

Just like the LBD cards, I drew a template and cut out each skirt and top. With the skirts, I used images of fabric and printed them onto white card stock first. The winter formal skirt is pink satin, the spring mini skirt is a lime green and white cotton, the summer sarong is a red hibiscus print and the fall pleated skirt is a wool plaid. 

Pink Winter Formal                    Lime Green Mini  

 Red Hibiscus Sarong                     Pleated Wool Plaid
These skirts are ready for the runway.

Note: These seasonal skirt cards are available in my shop.


  1. These are stunning. Simple yet so elegant - I love them!

  2. Completely in love! You are so talented and I love your creations so much. Featured 2 of your wonderful things on my blog, hope that's ok. Linked back to your original posts. Thanks :) Diane

  3. These would make great cards to sell in a pack. I simply adore them ^_^

  4. I became a follower a couple of days ago and have just finished going through your posts.

    You are A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!!! I love to craft by "using my stash" and you have given me many, many ideas. Thank you.

  5. As a follow-up to my comment yesterday - the idea that had me the most excited was that of using the patterns on the inside of security envelopes. I'm too frugal to buy scrapbook paper and there have been times that I could have used a subtle pattern in whatever paper craft I was working on at that time. This is perfect!!! I rifled through our paper recycling and found many envelopes!!!! My husband's business involves a lot of paperwork and mail, so I should have an endless supply of used envelopes. (If that isn't enough, I could "raid" his supply of new envelopes - lol.)

    I can't believe I didn't think of this. I do save colored and textured white envelopes for their paper.


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