Thursday, May 15, 2014

LITTLE CRAFTS: Boo Boo Bunny Ice Wrappers

Boo Boo Bunny via homework |

During the Easter season the blog world was filled with cute bunny ideas. I saw several cute ways to fold a napkin into a bunny. It reminded me of the Boo Boo Bunny that my son had when he was a toddler.

Boo Boo Bunny via homework | His Boo Boo Bunny was made out of light blue fleece and the body was open so that you could slip a plastic ice cube into it. If he fell or got a bump, which was quite often, we’d break out the Boo Boo Bunny and it would be all better. Except for those times when we had to go get stitches or to the emergency room but that’s another story.

Boo Boo Bunny via homework |
To make a Boo Boo Bunny, you’ll need:
  • A piece of square fabric or washcloth
  • Beads for eyes and nose (can opt for googly eyes and a pom pom or felt nose)
  • Thread for whiskers
  • Pom Pom for tail
  • Plastic Ice Cube

Boo Boo Bunny via homework |
There’s a great tutorial on how to fold the washcloth here. Once you roll up your washcloth, make sure your plastic ice cube fits into the body then secure it with a rubber band.

Boo Boo Bunny via homework |
I used beads for the eyes and nose and thread for the whiskers. If you have little ones, be careful of any chocking hazards. You might be better off drawing the face with a permanent marker.

Boo Boo Bunny via homework |
The tails are simple pom poms glued to the back of the bunny.

Boo Boo Bunny via homework | Making these Boo Boo Bunnies brought back a lot of memories of my little guy getting bumped and bruised constantly. It really is incredible how fast the years have flown by.

Thanks for visiting my little corner of the creative world.

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  1. Thanks for the memory, Carolyn. I made these for my daughter, and one was always in use when I taught kindergarten. I'll have to made a few for my little grandson,too! Yours are adorable.

  2. Oh they are so cute!!! But if I have those for my daughter, I am afraid she will not want to have mommy's kisses on her boo boos any more ;)

  3. So cute and such a clever idea!

    Navy Wifey Peters @ Submarine Sunday Link Party


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