Friday, April 12, 2013

Extra Credit: steps to a healthier lifestyle

Multi-grain bread with homemade apricot jelly.
This is the year that I’m making more of an effort to live a healthier lifestyle. I’ve mentioned a few things here and there on this blog and I’m taking steps to eat better and get more exercise. I’m also working on getting more sleep but that’s a tough one.

The saying “you are what you eat” is so true. If I eat a heavy lunch, I’m pretty much worthless all afternoon. If I have a healthy lunch, I have more energy and feel more creative. If I take a walk, I’m positively energized.

With the major holidays behind us and tank top season quickly approaching, I need to step up my efforts. 

Walgreens Balance Rewards (16)One thing I just did was join the Walgreen’s Step with Balance Rewards program. Besides earning points on purchases, I can earn points for reaching my goals. I can set my walking or jogging goals and also earn points for weigh ins. Then you can use your points toward your purchases. Cool!

I stopped by Walgreens the other day and picked up a few things to help me out on my healthier lifestyle journey. Of course, I first got sidetracked in the makeup aisle – who can resist that! But besides a few fun make up products, I chose some Multi Grain Bread, Dark Chocolate Pomegranates {full of antioxidants}, Probiotic Greek Yogurt Covered Pretzel Bites, Acai Pomegranate & Blueberry Tea, Skinny Cow snack bars and a Day’s End Candle.

Walgreens Steps with Balance Rewards (2)These Greek Yogurt Covered Pretzel Bites are good. They have that salty, snacky goodness inside and a nice yogurt covering.

Walgreens Steps with Balance Rewards (1)
Wow! This tea is amazing. It smelled heavenly as I poured the boiling water over the tea bag. And  it’s purple due to the blend of pomegranate and blueberry.

Walgreens Steps with Balance Rewards (3)These may become my new addiction. Because, you know, they’re chock full of antioxidants! And the dark chocolate is pretty darn good too.

Walgreens Steps with Balance Rewards (4)I like starting my day with toast and I’m trying to make better bread choices. This multi grain bread is really good. I ditched the butter for a healthy does of my mom’s homemade apricot jelly. Yum!

I treated myself to this little Day’s End candle. The scent is nice – not overpowering or too sweet. I think I’ll light it at the end of each day to de-stress and remind myself to stay on track.

You can see more of my shopping story on my Google+ Album.

Walgreens currently has a Step Up to Win Sweepstakes. There are instant daily prizes like great gift cards, a fit core armband and a Sony prize package and the grand prize is a trip to The Biggest Loser Resort.
And for more information click the following links:   Walgreens   |   Walgreens Steps with Balance Rewards   |   Office Sweepstakes Rules   |   Aisle Share FUN Page 
Thanks for visiting.

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I link at the wonderful parties listed here.

I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community. This content has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias® and Walgreens #cbias #SocialFabric  All opinions are mine.


  1. This Walgreen's program sounds great! The multigrain bread and jam looks so amazing!

  2. Those Brookside berries in chocolate are a major weakness of mine!


  3. I had no idea Walgreen's had such a variety of products. The dark chocolate covered pomegranate looks amazing. I can never resist the make-up aisle either. Why is that?

  4. I love shopping at Walgreens - apparently I need to go check out their new stuff!

  5. I love the Steps program too! And I love those dark chocolate pomegranates - just bought a bag at Walgreens last week!

  6. I had no idea Walgreens had such goodies!!


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